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18-19.VII. 1936


“... Will you accept alone
This new Golgotha?”
Vahan Terian

Where are you carrying your black wooden Cross,
Oh, my tormented Soul? - is there a new Golgotha
That you shall mount with pride - and people will admire
Your luminous crown with infinite love?

Are you ascending the mount today as Jesus?
Or... just a robber condemned to death?
Is every man today a Pilate
Washing his hands of you?

What crown of light?... And how will you, my Soul,
Ascend Golgotha with a willful passion, when, alas,
You don’t know yourself whether you are Jesus or Judas?

And do you have, my Soul, the ruthless scales
To measure this immeasurable thought -
In this black midnight of your suffering...

18-19. VII. 1936



"...Vas-tu accepter tout seul
Ce nouveau Golgotha..."
Vahan Terian

Où portes-tu ta Croix noire?
Ô! mon Âme tourmentée. Vers quel nouveau Golgotha?
Pour que tu montes fière - et que les gens admirent
D’un amour infini ta couronne parée de lumière.

Est-ce en tant que Jésus que tu gravis ce calvaire,
Ou n'es-tu qu'un larron condamné à mort...
Est-ce qu'aujourd'hui chacun est un Pilate
Qui se lave de toi les mains?

Mais quelle couronne de gloire? - comment gravirais-tu Golgotha,
Mon Âme? - même si tu es prête aux supplices,
Quand tu ne sais toi-même si tu es Jésus ou Judas.

Est-ce que tu possèdes, mon Âme, l'inexorable sonde
Pour mesurer cette pensée insondable -
Dans cette lugubre nuit de ta souffrance.

18-19 VII. 1936

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The Armenian Poets in Song
Les Poètes Arméniens en Chansons

Anahit Charents about disk "YEGHISHE CHARENTS"
/ English, French, Armenian/:

YEGHISHE CHARENTS The Armenian poet Yeghishé Charents was born in Kars, a provincial Armenian city under the rule of Imperial Russia. At seventeen, already author of published poems, he joined an Armenian volunteer army to fight against the Turks for the liberation of his people. He witnessed the YEGHISHE CHARENTScalamities of World War I, and the extermination of his countrymen in 1915 by the Ottoman Government. The outcome of his bitter impressions was the poem, “Dante-esque Legend” which made him famous at nineteen...

more about famous Armenian poet YEGHISHE CHARENTS / English, French/:

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