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I have put out so many fires in my eyes
And so many stars have I put out in my desperate soul.
Don't curse my life as you leave - it's just a memory now,
My life will pass and fade away, but my song will live on.

My life will pass and fade away like a fire in a swamp,
Inconsolable and dull, without hope, without aim.
In my songs no one recognizes me, you know,
As if it were another singing the blue longing of my soul.

Forever mute and estranged, I have wandered in silence.
No one, no one knows who I am, what my life is about.
All they know is in my life I have written a few songs,
As I know that you exist, as I know that you are loved.

I have sung to your soul, to your luminous smile,
To the sacred sadness of your eyes and your face.
My life abandoned in infinity, I have sung the profound love
And the longing of my arms that could never reach you.

Oh, sister, my foggy evening is coming closer,
How can I stop my longing soul from weeping?
How, how can I accept the drained cup of my fate,
So that my hands do not shake, so that my days forgive me?

And what if suddenly I start doubting myself,
And my sacred longing for you begins to feel like a lie?
Whatever happens, sister, don't curse, when we part,
The pitiable longing of my arms that could never reach you.




J’ai éteint tant de feux dans mes yeux,
Et j’ai éteint tant d’étoiles dans mon âme en détresse.
Ma vie n'est qu'un souvenir, ne la maudis pas en partant.
Ma vie passe et s’éteint – mais mon chant vit et demeure.

Ma vie passe et s’éteint comme un feu-follet dans un marais,
Sans but aucun, incertaine, inconsolable, sans espoir.
Personne ne me reconnaît dans mes chansons, le sais-tu?
Comme si un autre que moi avait chanté le bleu désir de mon âme.

Seul à jamais, sans paroles, j’ai erré et me suis tu,
Personne, personne ne sait ce qu’est ma vie, ce que je suis.
On ne sait que j’ai écrit quelques chansons dans ma vie,
Comme je sais que tu existes et que quelqu’un te chérit.

Moi, j’ai chanté ton âme, la lumière de ton sourire,
Et la tristesse divine de ton visage et tes yeux.
Ma vie laissée à l'infini – j’ai chanté l'amour profond,
Et le pauvre élan de mes bras qui ne t’ont jamais atteinte.

Voilà, ma sœur, que vient mon soir couvert de brume.
Comment vais-je étouffer les sanglots lourds de mon âme.
Comment vais-je accepter la coupe vidée de ma vie,
Pour que mes mains ne tremblent pas et que les jours me ménagent?

Et si jamais je doute, et n'y crois plus moi-même,
Si mon désir de toi, ce feu sacré, ne semble plus que du mensonge...
- Quoi qu’il arrive, ô ma sœur! ne maudis pas en partant
Le pauvre élan de mes bras qui ne t’ont jamais atteinte.


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Ð³Û ´³Ý³ëï»ÕÍÝ»ñÁ` ºñ·»ñáõÙ
The Armenian Poets in Song
Les Poètes Arméniens en Chansons

Anahit Charents about disk "YEGHISHE CHARENTS"
/ English, French, Armenian/:

YEGHISHE CHARENTS The Armenian poet Yeghishé Charents was born in Kars, a provincial Armenian city under the rule of Imperial Russia. At seventeen, already author of published poems, he joined an Armenian volunteer army to fight against the Turks for the liberation of his people. He witnessed the YEGHISHE CHARENTScalamities of World War I, and the extermination of his countrymen in 1915 by the Ottoman Government. The outcome of his bitter impressions was the poem, “Dante-esque Legend” which made him famous at nineteen...

more about famous Armenian poet YEGHISHE CHARENTS / English, French/:

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