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Blue is the soul's prayer, sister,
Blue is sorrow.
Blue is longing, transparent and pure,
Clear and immaculate.

Blue is the morning, infinite and wet,
Of a sister's eyes.
My soul in the blue helplessly wept
On one ancient night.

Blue is the ringing of the morning bell
Calling for prayer.
Blue is a tear, blue is the dew
Of soul and heaven.

Through blue true words flow
From heaven to heaven.
In the labyrinth of the blue
My soul - a sanctified seal.

Whatever is not, and has yet to come
In a child's heart-
Flows like wine of light
In the blue of the soul.




Bleu est la prière de l'âme, ma sœur,
Bleu est le chagrin,
Bleu est le désir pur et transparent,
Et clair, et limpide.

Bleu est le matin mouillé
Des yeux de ma sœur, infinis.
Dans le bleu, une nuit d'antan, mon âme
Sanglota d’impuissance.

Bleu est le carillon du matin,
Qui appelle à la prière.
Bleu la larme, bleu la rosée
De l’âme et du ciel.

Dans le bleu coulent de cieux en cieux
Des mots sans mensonge.
Mon âme est un sceau sanctifié
Dans le labyrinthe du bleu.

Ce qui n’est pas encore advenu
Mais adviendra dans le cœur de l'enfant
Coule comme un vin limpide
Dans le bleu de l’âme.


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Ð³Û ´³Ý³ëï»ÕÍÝ»ñÁ` ºñ·»ñáõÙ
The Armenian Poets in Song
Les Poètes Arméniens en Chansons

Anahit Charents about disk "YEGHISHE CHARENTS"
/ English, French, Armenian/:

YEGHISHE CHARENTS The Armenian poet Yeghishé Charents was born in Kars, a provincial Armenian city under the rule of Imperial Russia. At seventeen, already author of published poems, he joined an Armenian volunteer army to fight against the Turks for the liberation of his people. He witnessed the YEGHISHE CHARENTScalamities of World War I, and the extermination of his countrymen in 1915 by the Ottoman Government. The outcome of his bitter impressions was the poem, “Dante-esque Legend” which made him famous at nineteen...

more about famous Armenian poet YEGHISHE CHARENTS / English, French/:

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