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Zareh Khrakuni (Arto Djumbushian), 1926
Born in Istanbul, he received his primary education at the
Mkhitarist School. He received a degree in letters. Khrakuni
is one of the pioneers of modern Armenian poetry in the Diaspora.
He has published ten collections of poetry. He has also written
many articles about literature and philosophy in addition
translating different works of literature.
Zareh Khrakhuni (Arto Djumbushian), 1926
Né à Istanbul, il a fait ses études primaires
chez les Mkhitaristes. Il est diplômé en lettres.
Khrakhuni est l’un des novateurs de la poésie
arménienne moderne de la diaspora. Il a publié
une dizaine de recueils de poésie . Il est aussi l’auteur
de plusieurs articles sur la littérature et la philosophie
ainsi que des
traductions des oeuvres littéraires.
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There is a boat on the sea,
It is small and light.
There is a boy in that boat,
A skinny, little boy.
The oars are thin,
His arms are delicate.
He endlessly rows
Against the tide, against the tide,
Moves neither forward nor back,
He endlessly rows.
We shout to him from the shore,
–Son, what good are your efforts,
Don’t you see, it’s so much easier
To let the current carry you...
Look, how others pass you by,
Just hold on to the helm...
–I do not have one, I do not have one,
The boy exclaims wearily,
–The current is strong, it is so very strong,
If I let go it will take me...
We look at his arms,
We look at the oars, at the current–
And we curse the sea,
Or spit into it,
Then drop a few words about destiny,
And we each go our own way... |
Il sort de son chapeau
Des colombes qui s’envolent en déployant leurs
Des colombes qui s’envolent à tire-d’aile,
Il sort des lapins qui courent et qui s’enfuient,
Et tellement d’autres choses...
Ce qui vous passe par la tête
Il le sort de son chapeau,
Mais le garde avec lui
Et ne donne rien à personne.
Mais ce qui nous passe par la tête,
Ce qui sort de notre coeur,
Ne sort plus de son chapeau.
Un moment, il nous donne de l’espoir,
On pense qu’il va l’en faire sortir,
Mais ce ne sont que chiffons, tissus,
Rubans et dentelles.
Et juste après,
De la poudre aux yeux, de la poudre argentée...
Monsieur le magicien,
Très honorable prestidigitateur,
Miraculeux illusionniste,
Mon Dieu,
On t’appellera comme tu le veux,
On pleurera tout le sang de notre corps,
Pourvu que tu sortes la fleur de notre âme blessée,
Ne nous la donne pas, montre-la nous et ça nous suffira... |
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Ð³Û ´³Ý³ëï»ÕÍÝ»ñÁ`
The Armenian Poets in Song
Les Poètes Arméniens en Chansons
Several years ago, the Tekeyan Cultural Association
had a celebration in New York City, honoring the
75th anniversary of the Armenian writer and poet
Khachik Dashtents. I took part in the evening,
interpreting two songs that I wrote using the
lyrics of his poems. The text of one of these
songs, Armenian, which I adapted into the form
of an anthem, is included in all handbooks of
Armenian literature published in the Diaspora.
The audience greeted the song with great enthusiasm.
I believe there were two reasons for this. In
the first place, its message exhorts students
to speak Armenian in the countries where it is
threatened with disappearance; and in the second
place, I sang it with a little choir of young
girls who presumably have gotten the message...
about Disk "BIRD SOUL" /Armenian, English,
French/: |
Lyrics from this disk (228Kb)